2016年体制発表 Announcement of 2016.

日産自動車の2016年グローバルモータースポーツ活動発表にありました通り、今季はGT500クラスにステップアップし、本山哲先輩とSロードクラフトスポーツGT-R モーラ46号車をドライブさせて頂きます。

また2年ぶりに全日本F3選手権にも復帰し、B-MAX Racing Team with NDDPから23号車をドライブさせて頂きます。



As you see from the announcement of NISSAN global motorsport programme for 2016, I step up to SUPER GT GT500 driving with Motoyama-san for #46 S Road CRAFTSPORTS GT-R team MOLA.
And also participate Japanese Formula 3 championship for #23 B-MAX Racing Team with NDDP.

I would thank a lot for NISSAN nismo, all sponsors, teams and all involved to give me such a great opportunity for this season.

I will try hard as much as I can to show the exciting race again!!


I want to say thank you for all of team RJN, team GAINER and my team mate Alex, Wolfie, Couto-san and Tomita, who had been working so hard and made a great result last year.
I will never forget what we did in 2015.
And also thanks for huge support from NISSAN Australia in Bathurst working with Rick, Florian and all of the team.
I hope good luck for all of them in this season.

#SRoad #Craftsports #nismo #mola #supergt #46 #Michelin
#BMAX #NDDP #F3jp #23


千代 勝正

レーシングドライバー千代勝正です。 2024年シーズンは#23 NISMO からSUPER GT GT500クラスに参戦します。 応援宜しくお願い致します!

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